WASH programs are essential for improving the health and well-being of poor communities. They can help to reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases, improve nutrition, increase school attendance, improve productivity, and promote gender equity. WASH programs are a critical investment in the health, well-being, and economic development of poor communities. At Kafaalo, we strive to facilitate access to water, sanitation, and hygiene programs for low-income and vulnerable families, communities, and individuals. We endeavor to this end include:

  • Water supply: This involves providing people with access to safe drinking water, as well as water for cooking, bathing, and washing clothes.
  • Sanitation: This involves providing people with access to toilets and latrines, as well as facilities for handwashing.
  • Hygiene: This involves promoting good hygiene practices, such as handwashing, using latrines, and disposing of waste properly.
  • Water quality monitoring: This involves testing water samples to ensure that they are free of harmful bacteria and other contaminants.
  • Water treatment: This involves treating water to make it safe to drink, such as by boiling, filtering, or adding chlorine.
  • Sanitation infrastructure development: This involves building or repairing toilets, latrines, and other sanitation facilities.
  • Hygiene promotion: This involves educating people about the importance of good hygiene practices and how to implement them.